A people to belong to and a mission to fulfill.

In the heart of every person God has put an innate desire to belong, be known and be loved all the same and an innate desire to be part of something greater than oneself. We believe we find that fully in the person and work of Jesus Christ, the king of all of creation! And everyone, even you and I, are made for that purpose. So come! There is a spot for you at the table that only you can fulfill.

What to expect

Going to a new church can be intimidating…really intimidating if you don’t know what to expect! Will I know what to do, will someone call me out as a visitor, will I be dressed correctly? These and many more are all questions we have.

First, you can know that we all are expected to come as we are. We don’t come to God with a mask on and trying to be our Sunday best. God knows the struggles, doubts and mess that we bring. So, no matter where you are at on your faith journey, close to Jesus or still with questions, we invite you to come as you are.

What about the Liturgy?

We do worship in the ancient form of the earliest Christians known as “Liturgy”. The word itself means ‘the work of the people’. This involves gathering in worship, the reading of scripture, times of prayer and table fellowship at the Eucharist, or Lord’s supper. We make this easy for even the least experienced church goer to follow and not feel as 'an outsider’ by putting words, prompts and lyrics on the screen. So, don’t worry about not ‘getting it right’ or messing up, because we mess up it sometimes and we laugh, because that is what families do.

How should I dress?

We have people who come in flip flops and t-shirts to more formal dress. There is no specific dress and you can come as you are.

What about children?

First off, we love having children with us in the service. Even if it ‘disrupts’ the worship. As a matter of fact, it is one of our core values! We are first a family, a worshipping community shaped by the cross, that includes our youngest christians! Most Sundays, after the worship songs and before the message we will dismiss our children to a more age appropriate class to be taught, discipled and sing songs in worship as well. We do this because we believe children should see mom and/or dad worship God; this shapes their faith. Then, after the message and before communion, parents will gather children from the class to continue to participate as families in worship together. We do thorough background checks as well as ministry training for all those that work with children. So, rest assured, they will be loved, protected and grow in their faith and love for Jesus.

Jesus said, “Let the little children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.” - Matthew 9:14

Where we meet

We currently meet inside the building of Grace Foursquare at 4:00 p.m. on 2240 E Franklin rd, Meridian ID

Any other questions you may have, please send them to meridiananglican@gmail.com or call or text 208-982-6638

We look forward to meeting you!